01 August 2009

Never Ceases to Amaze


I just looked over at my clock and realized that I've written for roughly six straight hours without a pause.

It truly does always amaze me when I get into a groove and the hours just melt away as I get lost in my own little worlds.

I started this morning working on an idea that has been brewing like a storm on the horizon for a few weeks now. The idea was initially birthed when I first started the post-apocalyptic piece I've been working on but was surgically removed when I realized I wanted the setting of my post-apoc. story to be more desolate and less Orwellian.

So I took that Orwellian aspect rolled it into a little ball and shoved it to the back of my mind where unbeknownst to me it took root. As I've been working on other things, watching the news and reading other dark dystopic novels this idea spread its roots and honestly started infecting my dreams.

Now roughly two weeks later the story was the owner of the loudest of all the screaming ideas in my head. This morning, shortly before noon I sat down at my desk and started giving it life.

Now at 5:06 pm, well a few minutes before hand actually, my laptop battery is dead and I'm taking a break. I'd share the opening three chapters on here but to be frank I don't think their fit for reading yet.

What I did get done was throughly disturbing and all kinds of frightening (at least to a freedom loving goon like myself). Maybe by commiting it to story I'll stop having the intense dreams I've been haunted by of late and get a good night's sleep for the first time in over 10 days.

In closing I offer this little bit for you to think on: "But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever."

Good afternoon and Godspeed.

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