25 November 2009

Happy Turkey Day

Since I won't have time tomorrow nor have I written anything new the best thing I have to do is wish any who happen upon this a Happy Thanksgiving.

Growing up I was never a fan of the large family get-together holidays but they mean much more to me now.

So gorge yourself on some turkey and all the fixings, unbuckle your belt, kick back in your favorite chair and watch some football/nap.

I know I will.

17 November 2009

Other than Insomnia, What Else Has Kept Me Away from Writing?

My last post was one spent venting about something very much out of my hands, my chronic insomnia (note the time this is being posted).

This morning I'm going to touch on something that while very much within my control has become the latest culprit to suck up my writing time: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

After months of pleading with me a good friend convinced me to sign up for Xbox Live (something I'd resisted for over a year for a variety of reasons) and once MW2 hit store shelves last Tuesday I became a bit of an addict.

Granted I'm not playing every waking moment and it's given me something "constructive" to do with these early morning, too tired to write hours but I do need to keep an eye on my gaming hours. Once my sleep levels out and I can think coherently again I'll definately have to cut back on the games and buckle down.

For now though I'm thoroughly enjoying the gunning down of (and getting gunned down by) total strangers and real life friends alike.

For those of you who read this that have also been bitten by the COD:MW2 bug (or enjoy playing other games) send me an invite or a friend request on Xbox Live. I'm always looking for new people to play against online since my duties as a husband and father have 86ed my real-life social life.

My gamertag is QuasiShad and I'll be looking forward to facing off with you.

Oh and the wife would have me strung up by my toenails if I didn't drop the biggest news of our lives here too. We found out this week that, provided the little booger doesn't decide he wants out sooner, they are going to do the C-section on the 1st of December.
Let the countdown begin!

04 November 2009

Insomnia vs Creativity

A little known fact outside of my inner circle is that I frequently (read: almost nightly) have a really difficult time falling asleep.

The list of remedies is endless: excercise more, drink a glass of warm milk, try a small amount of alcohol, take a sleeping pill, don't drink soda/coffee after mid-afternoon, etc, etc.

I've tried most of the above (the ones I've avoided have namely been the ones involving ingesting anything) and have come to one conclusion.

I am naturally a night owl and given the chance my internal clock will shift to a "awake all night, into bed at 9 a.m." schedule.

The problem this creates is two fold, 1) my real job requires that I arrive in the hours immediately prior to the time when I'd most like to go to bed and 2) being up late and rising early to work every day of the week leads to an eventual zombie like stupor. Now for some the undead trance may be preferable but when you spend a good deal of your down time trying to be creative being half asleep (at least in my experience) is NOT a helpful state of mind.

Maybe this is just the mildly delusion ramblings of a sleep deprived mind but I'm really struggling these last few weeks to string together any sort of sentence that envolves story telling.

Writing like this comes fairly easy but attempting to craft a story has been all but impossible of late.

Which is why I've not updated this much in the last month because I feel guilty blogging when my work is being neglected.

Good night to all you sleepers out there, I'll be burning the midnight oil a touch longer. With luck maybe I'll be able to turn that flashing line on my screen into some prose before turning in.