02 August 2009

A Mini-Rant About Photography

I know most of what I've written here has been about my writing but photography is something I'm nearly as passionate about and this is going to be one of those times when it rears its head around here.

Sometimes living in southwestern Ohio makes it pretty friggin hard to do any serious work in photography. Sure there is the children's portraiture and the occassional wedding but beyond that there isn't much work to be found in the pin-up/glamour style.

Its almost like my little corner of the world has a complete lack of "freespirits" who are into such things or because I'm not looking in the right places but I have the hardest time finding people to work with outside of my immediate friends. Despite the opinions of a small collection of a-holes, most of my work has gotten positive reviews so I don't think its because I'm an absolutely horrid photographer (although I admittedly do have alot to learn, but hey its a hobby right?).

I go on various photography/modeling sites and forums and I see no shortage of people who love doing the sort of classic pin-up (modern too) and glamour portraits in other areas of the country. In fact it seems California, Tennessee, Texas and other various midwestern states (even some up in the Cleveland, Toledo, Akron area) but almost none even within a 15 mile radius of my hometown.

Meh, I don't want to rant on and on about it but I think lack of a solid network of similar minded individuals played more than a little part in my hiatus.

There's always Friday though, I'll share those shots as soon as they're ready.

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