08 July 2009

An Update On Things

Just thought I'd pop in real quick and touch on a few things.

This past weekend we celebrated July 4th and during the fireworks show I was slapped full on with a brand new story idea. I spent most of the day Sunday committing the opening chapter to "paper" and am pleased where I am going with it.

The inclusion of my new post-apocalyptic yarn now brings my total works in progress count to four: an epic fantasy, a hard-boiled P.I. tale, a supernatural horror/thriller and the aforementioned Sci-Fi post-apocalyptic tale. And those are not counting any short stories that may pop in my head (like the one I entered in the magazine contest my last post touched on).

In addition to all the above (as well as my duties as a damn decent but far from perfect father and husband) I'm also getting the ball rolling again in my other favorite artistic medium: photography. I've not taken many pictures in the last 18 months but I feel now is the right time to slip into my old grove.

As it stands now I've got a ultra-huge shoot coming but I'm not going to say more in case something unfortunate happens and screws everything up.

I'm also still trying to get a halfway worthwhile website up to hawk my stuff and keep you all informed but a fellow can only juggle so many creative pursuits at once, you know?

But yeah thought I'd give a little update to any of my micro-legion of fans (even if each and everyone of you are people I know personally and can see daily if I tried harder).

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