Sorry but it looks like another month will pass with nothing new to post on the writing front.
I've enrolled in school at the start of the year and the last 8 weeks have been a non-stop bombardment of homework, reports, recipe writing, concepts and theories of culinary this and that.
I made this sidestep career wise after a rough year (which I kept mostly off radar since those that read this generally aren't within my personal circle)that turned my life on its head. During the months that followed and the turmoil that has become my life I discovered that my already intense love of cooking was also the only time when the storm clouds broke and I felt serenity. All hell can be breaking loose around me and when I step in front of the stove or plop that meat or veggie down on the cutting board its like I'm standing in the the eye of the storm. I feel more or less untouchable.
So I chase a B.S. in Culinary Management presently. As school becomes more second nature I'm hoping hobbies and then a social life can return, but for now my mind is not so much on the adventures of my favorite P.I. or the quest for revenge of my here-to-for unnamed cowboy but on the proper way to make a New England Style Apple Pie or to braise a roast.
Sooner or later though my mind will be back weaving those tales, its too ingrained in my blood to ignore it forever.